Travel Cost Calculator

Travel Cost Calculator

Planning a trip? Have you considered the cost of accommodation, entertainment and dining out along the way?

When budgeting for a trip, you can use our online travel cost calculator that can help with planning travel expenses including hotel costs, attractions, transportation and food.

This free estimator is for any traveler who simply wants to figure out a budget for a next trip.

Choose your destination, number of travelers, travel month, your preferences, and the TravelPriceWatch trip calculator will give you a travel cost estimate made just for you.

The tool provides a rough estimate and we are not intended to provide any financial advice, but you can use this information to see if these costs meet your budget or what the best time to visit the destination is.

Prices are shown in U.S. dollars (US$), Euro (€) and local currency to make the calculations easier to use.


How do we calculate your travel costs?

Accommodation rates are based on average rates for a standard double/twin room for two adults. The peak and off - season rates are taken into account. Shoulder season rates, holidays and tourist taxes are not included in the estimate. Accommodation rates may vary greatly depending on how far in advance you book, cancellation policies, special offers and deals, etc. The hotel prices we’ve collected are all well-rated hotels in the popular tourist areas in a city center.

Transportation prices:

  • Public transport: 24-hour pass or 4 single/one-way tickets per person per day
  • A 10 km (7 miles) taxi ride in a city center
  • Midsize car rental. A car hire cost is calculated per day, so it might be a lot cheaper to rent by a week or two weeks. SCDW insurance is not included in the estimate.

Food prices:

  • Cheap eats: street food, fast food, e.g. Big Mac & Coke for a lunch
  • Mid-range cafes and restaurants: a set lunch menu or a one main meal + dessert + coffee for a lunch; 2-course dinner without drinks
  • Fine dining: breakfast and lunch in mid - range cafes and restaurants; dinner: Tasting Menu without wine


  • 1 alcohol drink: a glass of wine or beer
  • 3 drinks: a glass of wine, beer and cocktail


  • Two attraction tickets listed in "Things to Do"
  • Two popular attraction tickets and one tour

Unexpected travel expenses such as tips, souvenirs, a bottle of water, public toilet fees, etc.